Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A favorite song. Remember Amelie ?

Yann Tiersen - La Valse d'Amelie (Solo) posted by daveisthemusic.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Essene Way

The Essenes were a group of very holy people who lived in and around Palestine about the 1st century BC and 1st century AD. The Jewish historian Josephus and Philo wrote about them, and considered them a race of people above all others for their pious and exemplary ways. They were called "healers" for their ability to administer to the sick and injured. There were 3 distinct groups of Essenes at the time of Christ. The Essenes of Qumran who either authored or were the scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Therapeutae (healers) of Egypt and the Essenes of Mount Carmel.
This last group of Carmel were also known as Nazoreans, and founded the community and village later known as Nazareth. Mount Carmel was considered holy ground at the time since it was the place were Elijah was last seen. The Nazoreans lived therefore in yurts and tipis on the top of mount Carmel and when not in prayer spent their days tending their gardens and various trees. It is though that the ancestors of Mary and Joseph lived with the Essenes (Nazoreans) here on mount Carmel in prayer and preparation for the coming Messiah. many authors have written about this but much has been lost or destroyed. It is only now that we are discovering this. The discoveries at Qumran and Nag Hammadi in Egypt are shedding light on this part of early christ-ian or Esse-nian way of life.
The Aramaic of Jesus is Yeshua, and they also called him Essa, or Esse. So the early followers of Essa or the Essenes. They had chosen their name from prophesy and named Esse when he was born. The Essenes were vegetarians and did not partake in the Jewish ritual offerings at Temple. They also healed on the Sabbath and celebrated their day of rest on the 1st day of the week (Sunday). They did not allow slavery and believed all men to be equal and all had the ability to become sons of God. This could be achieved by living a holy life and following the Way of their Messiah - Essa. And "Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS." John 19:19

Thursday, July 5, 2007

USDA - Organic Farming and Marketing


Organic farming became one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture during the 1990's. U.S. producers are turning to certified organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income. Organic farming systems rely on ecologically based practices, such as cultural and biological pest management, and virtually exclude the use of synthetic chemicals in crop production and prohibit the use of antibiotics and hormones in livestock production. Many producers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers specialize in growing, processing, and marketing an ever widening array of organic food and fiber products. More overview...

The Musts and Myths of Organic and Locally Grown

I reached out to two experts in the field for some solid answers. Joy Bauer, nutritionist extraordinaire, breaks down the musts and myths of organic and local, while Ryan Hardy, the fresh-market-obsessed chef at The Montagna in Aspen

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When buying organic pays (and doesn't)

Know when it pays to buy organic food products to reduce your exposure to pesticides and other additives, when it might sometimes pay, and when it’s a waste of your money. Use this section the next time you’re making a grocery list. (See our tips on getting organic food for less.)

Buy these items organic as often as possible:

What Apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberries, spinach, and strawberries......

Read the complete Consumer Report here:

Choose Wisely in the Organic Food Aisle

Organic foods advocates say it's getting tougher to choose the best organic offerings. They say some companies are cutting corners in the interest of boosting profits, and that consumers must educate themselves on how to read labels or do research on which companies are producing the best products.

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Organic Food 'Better' for Heart

A ten-year study comparing organic tomatoes with standard produce found almost double the level of flavonoids - a type of antioxidant.Flavonoids have been shown to reduce high blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.

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